Marczika Kft.

Rhododendron indicum - Azalea pre-bonsai nevelő tálban

Item number: 13653

Status: In stock

Rhododendron indicum, which is an excellent bonsai material. It is characteristic of azaleas that they grow best in a sunny place, but in the summer a more shaded place is recommended for it during the hottest part of the day, because it can burn quickly. When flowering, we must strive to protect the Azalea from rain and hot extreme sun, because the flowers are very sensitive, even if they do not...

360.000 HUF
  • Genus:
  • Rhododendron

 Rhododendron indicum, which is an excellent bonsai material. It is characteristic of azaleas that they grow best in a sunny place, but in the summer a more shaded place is recommended for it during the hottest part of the day, because it can burn quickly. When flowering, we must strive to protect the Azalea from rain and hot extreme sun, because the flowers are very sensitive, even if they do not damage the plant physiologically, we can continue to preserve the visual world. Healthy, mature Azaleas can tolerate some frost, but we must protect them from temperatures of -5°C or lower. Considering the Azalea's water requirements, it does not dry out when kept as a bonsai, we must strive to keep the soil constantly moist. For this reason, we must check the moisture content of the medium very carefully. The earth ball, which is temporarily too dry, should be immersed in a bowl of water so that it thoroughly absorbs again and the amount of water it needs. It should be known about  It is worth knowing about Azaleas that it develops in acidic soil most optimal and hard, limy tap water is unsuitable for her. When transplanting, use Kanuma with active carbon, which is one of the most ideal for Rhodo bonsai. For Azálea bonsai, we can use rainwater, we can mix rainwater with tap water, or we can filter the tap water. Azaleas are one of the few tree species that are not essentially top-dominant plants. This means that the lower branches grow stronger than the weaker top, which leads to a bushy form in nature. That's why we cut the branches harder at the base than at the top. By the way, Azálea tolerates strong pruning very well, and even produces new shoots from branches that have no leaves left.

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