Marczika Kft.
I got bonsai as a gift, what to do with it?
jan. 4.

I got bonsai as a gift, what to do with it?

I got bonsai as a gift, what to do with it? - The question is asked countless times both by our customer service and over the phone. Let’s quickly dispel the fright you feel over the joy — how to keep the dread alive — and quickly look at the most important practices you need to easily keep your bonsai at home ... At home? Let's stop for a moment, because this will be the first question that is a big watershed in the life of our bonsai:

Indoor or outdoor?

Bonsai is the most beautiful in the garden from spring to autumn and we know full well that any bonsai can be kept outdoors during this period. What, then, is the difference between indoor and outdoor bonsai? The only difference is the degree of tolerance to cold or frost, which is usually zero for an indoor bonsai - because most indoor or indoor bonsai can survive if kept at a minimum temperature of + 12 ° C. This is an extremely cornered issue. If we don’t pay attention to this, we open up a tap to the source of many problems. Simply put, the point is that if it is cold outside in the apartment the bonsai and in summer it can be outside in the garden (if there is a garden).

Water properly

We never let uncertainty take over. There is no secret recipe for watering bonsai. With irrigation, our goal is simple: keep the whole rootball moist. The plant does not have to leak from the water and should not stand in water - but the soil should never be dry. Let’s handle the thing with enough dissolution and never overdo it. Do not set a schedule for irrigation. Just think of irrigation: When the soil is dry, water it. If the soil is wet, do not water.

Placement is important

Like all plants, bonsai need light. The light is she's life therefore worth keeping in the brightest part. We would not be able to complicate this issue much further and perhaps it would be superfluous. Put your bonsai in a bright place.

Let's fertilizing but only as much as the plant need

Bonsai, like any ornamental plant, needs nutrients. It is best to use the nutrients developed for them because they meet their needs. Just as irrigation should not be overstated, so should feeding. In each case, decide how much of the nutrient to add and at what intervals according to the product description.

We prune, cut, mow

Pruning bonsai can be both a simple and complex issue. For most indoor bonsai (luckily), the simpler way works - always prune the plant to suit two criteria: For each pruned shoot or branch, leave a leaf on the rest and shape the plant as we like.

Let's read and look

Basically, getting into the world of bonsai is easy considering the things described above. However, you can always step up to everything - so you can cultivate bonsai as a bonsai art after a few years of experience. All we have to do is read, look, walk in nature and be inspired and of course love bonsai!


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