Item number: 13128
Status: In stock
Juniperus chinensis, commonly known as Chinese juniper. Chinese juniper is one of the most sought after junipers in the bonsai world, due in part to its soft "cloud" shaped foliage. It prefers stony, well-drained soils, so Kiryuzuna or Pumisz (pumice) is the most optimal for it or Akadama. The foliage becomes needle-like on young trees and scaly on older trees. Yield is a small, hard, bluish
Juniperus chinensis, commonly known as Chinese juniper. Chinese juniper is one of the most sought after junipers in the bonsai world, due in part to its soft "cloud" shaped foliage. It prefers stony, well-drained soils, so Kiryuzuna or Pumisz (pumice) is the most optimal for it or Akadama. The foliage becomes needle-like on young trees and scaly on older trees. Yield is a small, hard, bluish berry that is recommended to be removed due to energy consumption. It is best done during his wire period or early winter so that the branches can get used to their new position while the tree is at rest. The transplant is best done in the spring. If necessary, juniper can be transplanted in late summer-early autumn, as this is when it enters a period of root regeneration.
Pines and other conifers grow along with a symbiotic fungus(mycorrhiza) that grows on the root ball of the tree. If this fungus is not present, the tree may be destroyed.
Marczika Horticulture and Trade Ltd. wants to provide those who love bonsai, orchid and tillandsia not only with a large variety of plants, but also all tools and accessories needed to keep them at amateur, hobby and professional levels.
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