Buxus sempervirens pre bonsai:
Buxus is one of the best-known small-leaved shrubs for bonsai. A fast-growing and easy-to-proliferate plant, it responds well to pruning and will greatly appreciate all care. Its roots are not sensitive, and when transplanting, you can safely prune all parts of the root system. Compared to the size category of the raw material, it has a nice thick trunk and root neck - a spectacular crown of leaves can be grown in a few years after shaping.
Plant height: ~ 40 cm
Placement: Outside in all seasons - in a sunny, bright place
Irrigation/water requirements: Normal watering is recommended, applied in large doses
Marczika Horticulture and Trade Ltd. wants to provide those who love bonsai, orchid and tillandsia not only with a large variety of plants, but also all tools and accessories needed to keep them at amateur, hobby and professional levels.
Marczika Horticulture and Trade Ltd.
Napvirág utca 4-2., Érd, H-2030
Mobil: +36 30 680 5420
Tel/Fax: +36 23 375 094
E-mail: info@marczika.hu
Tax number: 13324711-2-13
Registration number: Pest Megyei Bíróság, 13-09-099915
Bank account number HUF: CIB Bank 10700574-68549639-51100005 / Bank account number EUR: CIB Bank HU0510700574-68549639-50000005 (CIBHHUHB)
Mon: 8am - 5pm
Tuesday: 8am - 5pm
Wed: 8am - 5pm
Thursday: 8am - 5pm
Friday: 8am - 5pm
Saturday: 9am - 2pm
Sunday: 9am - 12pm