Marczika Kft.

Bunjin style Diospyros kaki bonsai

Item number: A35

Status: In stock

This tiny crop of persimmon can taste well in several planting media, not really picky. It prefers a medium with good drainage, so AKADAMA is the best choice. It loves lots of light, bright space and plenty of nutrients. Oriental persimmon likes more planting medium, it is not really picky...

130.000 HUF
  • Genus:
  • Diospyros

Bunjin style Diospyros kaki bonsai:

 This tiny crop of persimmon can taste well in several planting media, not really picky. It prefers a medium with good drainage, so AKADAMA is the best choice. It loves lots of light, bright space and plenty of nutrients. Oriental persimmon likes more planting medium, it is not really picky. In terms of water demand, it doesn't like overwatering or drought either. It is ideal for growing in moist soil. Slightly winter-resistant, but safer to protect from stronger frost by cold wintering. Its autumn foliage is mostly yellowish, but if there is a lot of sunshine it can be orange-red. Its flowers usually begin to develop from spring and open in early summer. Depending on the stage of development of the persimmon, make sure that the root canal is in place and that the foliage is reduced accordingly. Nutrients should be taken from early spring to autumn as this will help in fruit growing. For younger trees, the branches are very flexible and easy to shape, but become slightly brittle over time. Pruning and crown shaping should be done in the spring.

Bonsai style: Bunjin

Height: 43 cm

Note: Slightly sensitive to frost

Country of origin: South Korea

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