Marczika Kft.

Total: 75 product (1 - 25)

Tillandsia kompozició

18.500 HUF

A kompozicióban 4 db különböző tillandsia tal&aa...

Tillandsia straminea 01.

28.500 HUF

Tillandsia straminea: It is native to South America, Ecuador and Peru....

Tillandsia usneoides x mallemontii

1.200 HUF

Fénykedvelő epifita növény, mely dús telepp&...

Tillandsia ionantha 1 sarjas

3.800 HUF

Tillandsia ionantha
Rendkívül népszerű faj, ...

Tillandsia ionantha ball 2

24.500 HUF

It takes at least 15-18 years for a Tillandsia ionantha ball of this size to form. For those who don’t want to wait that long, now is a good time to get one.

Tillandsia ionantha ball 1

19.500 HUF

It takes at least 12-15 years for a Tillandsia ionantha ball of this size to form. For those who don’t want to wait that long, now is a good time to get one.

Tillandsia scaposa

1.500 HUF

It used to be called Tillandsia ionantha var. scaposa was a , but is now treated as a separate species.

Tillandsia baileyi

1.200 HUF

An easy-to-hold epiphytic plant that loves light and warmth. If you are outdoors in the summer, it is advisable to place it in a shady place.

Tillandsia incarnata L

2.125 HUF2.500 HUF

Tillandsia incarnata L

2.125 HUF2.500 HUF

Tillandsia incarnata: Home to Ecuador and Colombia, it lives at an alt...

Tillandsia juncea L 02.

3.500 HUF

It has an epiphytic lifestyle, but sometimes settles on the ground. The leaves are long, thin, green and grassy. The flower stems long, the bracts are red, the cover leaves are pale pink and the flowers are tubular and purple. The overall effect is very nice at flowering.

Tillandsia fasciculata XL 02.

8.500 HUF

Large Tillandsia, more than 50 centimeters in diameter.

Tillandsia andreana

3.500 HUF

Colombia and Venezuela are home to this green hedgehog, living in cloud forest on trees. It prefers a humid, warm, semi-shady place.

Tillandsia ionantha

1.500 HUF

One of the most common Tillandsia species besides T. usneoides. When flowering, the leaves turn red. In some varieties and varieties, all leaves turn red.

Tillandsia albida 012.

3.800 HUF

A good choice for beginner collectors. For me personally, my favorite, one of the first in my collection, is now a huge clump.

Tillandsia aeranthos 01.

5.000 HUF

Recommended for beginners, as it is easy to keep and can be kept well in the room.

Tillandsia albida 001.

5.000 HUF

A good choice for beginner collectors. For me personally, my favorite, one of the first in my collection, is now a huge clump.

Tillandsia argentea

8.000 HUF

This rare plant is native to Cuba and Jamaica. It is a greenhouse species, so in winter it should be provided with a minimum of 18 degrees Celsius, which is not a problem in the apartment, but also requires a lot of light and high humidity.

Tillandsia bermejoensis

3.900 HUF

Bolivia is the homeland of this medium-sized species, live on its rocky habitat. It has a simple inflorescence, the spike will blushes red when the sun is shining on it, the flowers are white and bloom one by one.

Tillandsia pruinosa

2.400 HUF

Széles elterjedési területtel rendelkező faj, mely az Egyesült államoktól egészen Brazíliáig megtalálható 1200 m-es magasságig. Apró termetű, az alapfaj kb. 15 cm-es magasságot ér el, de idővel telepeket alkot. A levélzet sötét zöld színű, erősen pikkelyszőrös. Virágzatában a fellevelek szorosan állnak, élénk rózsaszínűek; maguk a virágok lilák. Sarjakat nevelve dekoratív telepet alkot. Fény- és nedvességkedvelő faj.

Tillandsia seleriana XL

5.900 HUF

An epiphytic lifestyle pseudobulb species. The plant size is 20-25 centimeter. The inflorescence is pink, the flowers are purple and tubular.

Tillandsia hammerii

5.500 HUF

Levelei keskeny szálasak, ezüstös színűek. Első ránézésre hasonlít a T. juncea fajra, de annál jóval nagyobb termetű.

Total: 75 product (1 - 25)